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University of California San Francisco

Training & Education

Filling Gaps in COVID-19 Critical Care Education

Since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, CHESA experts and collaborators have been providing technical assistance to improve critical care and access to oxygen in resource-variable settings.  With support from PHI-STAR and USAID, CHESA technical experts and collaborators have served as the lead global clinical technical assistance group for USAID’s global COVID-19 response. As part of this response we have created tools for capacity assessment, knowledge sharing, and education, including,, and (in partnership with Brigham & Women’s Hospital and Partners In Health)

Investment & Innovation in Education

CHESA supports education programs reaching tens of thousands of trainees worldwide each year. We are working to develop original content and novel dissemination tools to improve perioperative safety through access to quality education.  We also partner with training programs in resource-variable settings to support teachers and trainees with the resources to expand local training capacity. Learn more about some of our recent projects like the WFSA Anaesthesia Tutorial of the Week website v 2.0; the Kampala Advanced Trauma Course; OCC Job Aid Builder Tool, and the Anesthesia Classroom in a Box.

CHESA Fellowships & Internships

The Center is also home to multiple 1-2 year fellowship pathways for trainees and faculty from diverse backgrounds and specialties. Some of these positions are designed exclusively for surgery and anesthesia providers from low and middle-income countries, including our Simulation Fellowship Program in partnership with the WFSA. These fellowship support future leaders in education, research and policy. Read More about CHESA Fellowships

Health Equity Training for All

In addition to our dedicated training pathways and fellowship programs, CHESA has created a standardized curriculum for all surgery and anesthesia trainees to gain core competencies in health equity. The curriculum is taught to all UCSF anesthesia and surgery residents and soon will be available online for trainees and instructors from all institutions.